
Friday May 19, 2017
Episode 16: Children are Creepy AF
Friday May 19, 2017
Friday May 19, 2017
The internet is rife with stories of children saying the creepiest shit. We share some of those stories, along with some personal tales that are sure to send a shiver down your spine. We also bring you two regional tales. There's the well-to-do family in Niles, Michigan who couldn't get over the death of their 11 month old son. And then we have Lilly, the 9 year old girl who still plays in the halls of her old home: the Trans Allegheny Lunatic Asylum. Find us online! Twitter: @Haunted_Pod Facebook: This Podcast Is Haunted Instagram: ThisPodcastIsHaunted Email: thispodcastishaunted@gmail.com

Friday May 05, 2017
Episode 15: Long Distance Tarot
Friday May 05, 2017
Friday May 05, 2017
It's another guest episode! This week, we interview Seng, the host of Whispers in the Night. A podcast about myths and legends, fact and fiction. We talk about our shared interest in the paranormal, and then do some tarot readings. Tune in to see how accurately we can predict the future! Whispers in the Night is available on all podcast platforms! And on social media: Twitter: @whisperspodcast Instagram: whisperspodcast Facebook: Whispers in the Night Podcast And We're there too! Twitter: @Haunted_Pod Instagram: ThisPodcastIsHaunted Facebook: This Podcast is Haunted Email: thispodcastishaunted@gmail.com

Friday Apr 21, 2017
Episode 14: Titanic! ...Mistakes Were Made
Friday Apr 21, 2017
Friday Apr 21, 2017
Folks, it's Titanic. You knew this was coming. If it weren't for Titanic, this podcast surely would not even exist. It brought us together, and our hearts WILL GO ON. That's right! We love the movie, and talk about it... a lot. Check out our shownotes on Facebook! Find us on the internet! Twitter: @Haunted_Pod Facebook.com/ThisPodcastIsHaunted Insta: ThisPodcastIsHaunted Email: thispodcastishaunted@gmail.com

Thursday Apr 06, 2017
Episode 13: Is This Photo Haunted?
Thursday Apr 06, 2017
Thursday Apr 06, 2017
Chances are, if you see a ghost photo that looks too good to be true, it probably is. This week we dive into the realm of spirit photography to discuss how hoax photos are made, and why we fall for them. We also take a look at some famously "unexplained" photos, and try to deduce what's going on. So yes, we've decided to use an audio medium to discuss a very visual topic. We created a visual guide to this episode in our show notes so you can follow along without having to constantly google things. You can find that guide on our Facebook page! facebook.com/ThisPodcastIsHaunted Check us out on our other social media! Twitter: @Haunted_Pod Insta: ThisPodcastIsHaunted Facebook: ThisPodcastIsHaunted Email: thispodcastishaunted@gmail.com

Wednesday Mar 29, 2017
Episode 12: Phantoms at the Opera...er Theater
Wednesday Mar 29, 2017
Wednesday Mar 29, 2017
Why does it seem like every single theater is haunted? We could really do a whole weekly podcast about this, but we settled on two specific Broadway theaters and the specters who reside there. First up, The New Amsterdam Theatre, haunted by a Ziegfeld Girl, and silent movie star, Olive Thomas. Next, The Palace Theatre, home of ghostly acrobats, and Judy Garland herself! For more information, check out our show notes on our Facebook Page! Facebook: ThisPodcastIsHaunted Twitter: @Haunted_Pod Instagram: ThisPodcastIsHaunted Email: thispodcastishaunted@gmail.com

Friday Mar 10, 2017
Episode 11: Cannibalized Ghost Turds!
Friday Mar 10, 2017
Friday Mar 10, 2017
Hold on to your lunch, because we're bringing you some stomach-churning tales of cannibalism! Cate discusses desperate times in 1920s Russia, while Jen tells the delightfully gruesome tale of the Rotenburg Cannibal. Yum! Find us online! Twitter: @Haunted_Pod Facebook: This Podcast Is Haunted Insta: ThisPodcastIsHaunted Email: thispodcastishaunted@gmail.com

Thursday Feb 23, 2017
Episode 10: #noLA
Thursday Feb 23, 2017
Thursday Feb 23, 2017
We head south for the least romantic getaway EVER, and cover some of Louisiana's most famous (and infamous)haunted sites: Myrtles Plantation and the LaLaurie Mansion. A lot of bummers, and a lot of made up ghosts! Find us on the internet! Twitter: @Haunted_Pod Facebook: This Podcast is Haunted Insta: ThisPodcastIsHaunted Email: thispodcastishaunted@gmail.com

Thursday Feb 09, 2017
Episode 9: Ada Witch and the Melon Heads
Thursday Feb 09, 2017
Thursday Feb 09, 2017
We welcome Amberrose Hammond back to the show to talk about some of her favorite Michigan legends! Who are the Melonheads? Is it a disease? Are they really smart children of the forest? Are they a bunch of AV nerds with too much time on their hands? Who is the Ada Witch? And what caused a man to "chip away" at another man's "member"? Tune in to find out! Plus! We read a listener tale! find us on: Twitter: @Haunted_Pod Insta: ThisPodcastIsHaunted Facebook: This Podcast Is Haunted Email: thispodcastishaunted@gmail.com Find Amberrose! michigansotherside.com amberrosehammond.com Twitter: @MIOtherside

Thursday Jan 26, 2017
Episode 8: Famous Phantom - Anne Boleyn
Thursday Jan 26, 2017
Thursday Jan 26, 2017
The first in our Famous Phantoms recurring series! Anne Boleyn, the second wife of King Henry VIII is one of the most well-traveled ghosts in England. We talk about her incredible life and afterlife, and try not to go on too many tangents about Tudor history. Follow us on social media! Twitter: @Haunted_Pod Facebook: This Podcast is Haunted Instagram: ThisPodcastIsHaunted Email: thispodcastishaunted@gmail.com

Thursday Jan 12, 2017
Episode 7: Mary Todd + Queen Vic = Seance BFFs
Thursday Jan 12, 2017
Thursday Jan 12, 2017
Learn how to throw your very own seance party! Just be sure to TELL YOUR GUESTS TO LEAVE AT THE END. We also talk about Mary Todd Lincoln and Queen Victoria: two women in the spotlight who lost their husbands, and turned to spiritualism. Contact us! Twitter: @Haunted_Pod Facebook: This Podcast is Haunted Insta: ThisPodcastIsHaunted Email: thispodcastishaunted@gmail.com